Is it reasonable for a bus driver to expect to date a lawyer who is also an author, a well established radio TV personality and multimillionaire? Let’s be honest here.
We need to stop with the tomfoolery. I stand with Eboni K. Williams. It is important to acknowledge feelings. However, what is more important is to live in and recognize the truth. We are living in a world where feelings are being used to overshadow the truth.
Let us start navigating in the direction of light and the truth. The truth will always set you free.
In the words of a great and wise monkey, “… you can either run from it, or learn from it.” One of the most blessed tools that God has offered to us as humans is our brains. Please, let us use it more often than not. Use it not only for personal gain and achievements, but also for the expansion and upliftment for all.
The truth can hurt, but it is still the truth. If you don’t like the truth, then make any necessary steps to change the circumstances.